The commissioning process in a Critical HVAC system ensures that all components and systems operate correctly and in accordance with design specifications. This process is essential to ensure the efficiency, safety and reliability of the system.
Commissioning L2
- Checking the tightening torque on bolted joints (Torque)
- Pipe pressure test
- Non-destructive testing (NDT) of welding
- Identification and labeling of elements
- L2 wiring test: continuity and insulation between conductors
- Test L2 of equipment: pumps, air conditioners, electrical panels and chillers
Commissioning L3
Hydraulic balancing and system balancing
Technical cleaning of pipes (Flushing)
L3 wiring test: phase rotation and potential drop
Test L3 of equipment: pumps, air conditioners, electrical panels and chillers
Commissioning L4
System and equipment integration in BMS (building management system)
Load testing in CPD rooms (Heat Load Testing)
Commissioning L5
Integrated System Testing (IST): global integrated testing of the CPD